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We can support projects in need of chordoma biospecimens by providing access to our biospecimen repository (the Chordoma Foundation Biobank), facilitating prospective biospecimen acquisition, and making connections with other investigators and institutions that have chordoma biospecimen collections.

The Chordoma Foundation Biobank

Under an IRB-approved research protocol, we collect, store and distribute biospecimens and associated clinical data from chordoma patients. Currently, samples from more than 200 surgical cases are available. They are preserved in various formats including formalin fixed (FFPE), flash frozen and/or frozen in preservation media. Specimens are collected both via patient-initiated donations as well as through partnerships with certain high-volume medical centers in the United States. Specimens are stored, processed, and distributed through a partnership at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

Distribution of Biobank samples for research

Chordoma biospecimens of varying types are available to researchers worldwide. To request samples and/or clinical data please complete our Biobank Sample Request Form which includes information on our review process and timeline for release of samples.

To maximize the use of the samples in multiple research studies by different labs, the Biorepository staff at CHOP can perform DNA and RNA extractions from tumor and normal tissues. In certain cases, aliquots of tumor tissue may be provided to researchers following proper justification and approval by the Chordoma Foundation.

Additional biospecimen resources

The Children’s Brain Tumor Tissue Consortium has additional pediatric chordoma biospecimens and raw sequencing data available for request. Review and request samples here.

The University of Pennsylvania has additional chordoma biospecimens available for request. Review and request samples here.

Partner sites

The following hospitals have partnered with the Chordoma Foundation to routinely contribute chordoma tissue to the Biobank. We appreciate the cooperation and dedication of the surgeons, pathologists, and staff at these hospitals whose efforts ensure that precious chordoma tissue gets saved and used for research.

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